Customer Testimonials

Tony and Bill from Edwards Overhead Doors were prompt, they walked us through the repair step by step. Their prices were outstanding, and their quality of work is exceptional. My wife and I have highly recommended their services.

Larry and Sophia Helms

 A Big THANK YOU to Anthony Edwards of Edwards Overhead Doors for replacing the springs in my garage door at a great price. Anything from minor issues to replacing the whole garage door he can do it with over 30 years experience. Phone number 813-520-6189.

Kristine Schemel

 Tony from Edwards Doors came to my home and explained to me that my existing door was cheaper to replace then to repair due to the age and current condition. He returned the next day and did an outstanding job, and left no mess. I highly recommend him if you need the service.

Wendell Redding

February 03, 2011 by Wendell Redding in Tampa, FL

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